PGG Wrightson Seeds markets its seed treatment products under well-established brands including Ultrastrike®, Superstrike® and Prillcote®. The seed treatment products are applied to an extensive range of cultivars from the PGG Wrightson Seeds and Agricom forage seed businesses and other companies on request. Poncho is applied to Corson Maize Seed hybrids. These are available for purchase through all leading rural retailers in New Zealand.
PGG Wrightson Seeds has a strong commitment to research and development and is focused on delivering new products and technologies to the forage seed treatment market that provide ongoing solutions for farmers around plant protection and growth enhancement.
Research and development
At PGG Wrightson Seeds, we invest heavily in research and development to bring new products and technologies to the market. In the seed treatment area, we work with organisations that are focused on science and innovation, including leading international crop protection companies and Crown Research Institutes such as AgResearch.
PGG Wrightson Seeds has developed a range of proprietary formulations over the last 50 years that have been constantly updated and improved as new technologies from our suppliers have entered the seed treatment market. New crop protection products are extensively tested before commercialisation in the New Zealand market.
Environmental studies and efficacy trials on insect or disease protection are undertaken by the chemical supplier prior to the registration of a new active ingredient. When evaluating new technologies, we carry out trials at our Kimihia Research Centre (Lincoln, Canterbury) to ensure that important seed quality parameters such as germination and endophyte viability are not compromised and there is good compatibility with other additives in a specific formulation. Field trials in different regions throughout New Zealand provide our research and development team with scientific data to support the introduction of a new formulation to the market.